Today, we’ll cover five key points to consider when selecting the right plugin for your WordPress site. We’ve previously discussed the WordPress Plugin Repository and general guidelines for using plugins, but now it’s time toContinue reading
Let’s get to know plugin repository
The WordPress Plugin Repository is a central hub that hosts thousands of free plugins available for easy installation on your WordPress-powered website. The repository can be accessed both through the WordPress website and directly withinContinue reading vs – What’s the Difference?
Many people starting their journey with WordPress wonder about the actual difference between and Although both share the common theme of WordPress, they actually offer entirely different solutions. It’s a site whereContinue reading
What is Codex in WordPress
Many WordPress users don’t know what Codex is. And that’s no wonder. Courses rarely mention this source of knowledge, and installing and using WordPress itself does not actually require knowledge of Codex. Meanwhile, WordPress CodexContinue reading
Sources of knowledge about WordPress
The world of WordPress is incredibly rich in various sources of knowledge and it depends on us how we want to use them. Both beginners and advanced developers will find something for themselves. Below isContinue reading
Widgets in WordPress
Widgets are one of the oldest functionalities available in WordPress. These are small modules that allow you to add various dynamic elements to your website. For example, the Tag Cloud widget will display the tagsContinue reading
User role in WordPress
WordPress allows you to assign specific roles to its logged-in users. Depending on the role, the user can add or modify specific resources and functionalities. In the following article, we will present the basic userContinue reading
What is child theme
A child theme, is a special type of WordPress theme that inherits the features and functionalities of another theme, which we can call the main theme. A child theme is most often provided with theContinue reading
Free SSL certificates at and DNS zone at a third-party provider
On our hosting platform, SSL certificates are issued automatically when the domain is attached as well as renewed automatically before the expiration period (free certificates are issued for 3 months and our system makes sureContinue reading
How to install an EV certificate?
Currently, web hosts are increasingly offering SSL certificates as standard completely free of charge. These are usually Let’s Encrypt or Comodo branded certificates. These are fully, properly functioning certificates, recognized as trusted by 99+% ofContinue reading